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Thesis-driven approach

At its core, real estate is a local and specialized business. Belay’s approach to investing offers our clients efficient and scalable access to hard-to-find and differentiated opportunities in local markets while effectively managing risk.


Risk-adjusted returns

Belay focuses on generating compelling risk-adjusted returns. We pursue this by investing in small-and-middle market transactions that are less competitive and often off-market. We focus on select markets throughout the United States that are supply constrained with durable demand drivers and in specific property types that benefit from local market trends. This provides opportunities that are truly unique and differentiated.

For each investment strategy that we identify, we also consider where to invest across the risk spectrum and up and down the capital stack to maximize returns and mitigate risk. We are active investors in both the equity and credit real estate markets and bring that expertise and discipline to the evaluation of our clients’ goals. 


Flexible and Nimble

By implementing our thesis-driven approach, we identify strategies positioned to capitalize on both current macroeconomic fundamentals and local demand drivers.  We also recognize that opportunities often come from temporary dislocations and local inefficiencies.  We continuously evaluate impacts from changing market cycles and seamlessly adjust our investment strategy to target these opportunities. 



Belay provides dedicated capital for high quality, but often undercapitalized operators. This provides operators with a distinct advantage when competing for opportunities and negotiating accretive terms.  It also allows them to scale their portfolios and businesses over time. 


Collaborative partnerships

To execute our strategies, Belay partners with entrenched local operators and sector specialists. We identify operators based on their strengths and experience, forming collaborative long-term partnerships with them to implement our targeted strategy efficiently and effectively.  We do this by leveraging our collective networks, resources and industry expertise.