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Home 9 Our Values 9 Environmental, Social and Governance

A commitment to sustainable and responsible investing

We believe that ESG considerations can positively affect the performance of real estate investment portfolios to varying degrees across property types, geographies and vintages. In our experience, ESG integration, managed appropriately, contributes to enhanced long-term returns and reduced risks. Belay takes into account ESG considerations at the company level, investment manager level, operating partner level, and at the property level.

Belay promotes sustainable and responsible investing by incorporating key environmental, social, and governance considerations into our business management, investment analysis, and due diligence.

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Investment philosophy

Belay is committed to the following principals:

  • Incorporating ESG considerations into investment analysis and decision-making processes
  • Appropriate disclosure on ESG considerations by the entities through which we invest
  • Promoting acceptance and implementation of ESG considerations within the investment industry
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Signatory Organizations

Belay is aligned with the following organizations:

  • UN Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI)
  • ILPA: Diversity in Action
  • National Association of Investment Companies (NAIC)
  • CFA DEI Code
  • NAREIM DEI Committee
  • Real Estate Roundtable Sustainability Subcommittee
  • Emerging Manager Monthly: Diverse Managers Directory (EMM)


Operator selection:

  • Relevant ESG sections and questions within our due diligence questionnaire
  • Belay’s 5 P Operator Assessment includes an ESG Category and Scoring

Asset selection and ESG assessment:

  • Environmental impact assessment goals (LEED certified, LED installation, etc.)


Periodic monitoring of ESG performance:

  • Operators’ ESG impact
  • Property-level ESG impact
  • Portfolio-level and Property-level Climate Risk

Community Impact

Beyond our commitment to sustainable and responsible investing, we believe that we can directly impact the lives of others with our hands-on, community-focused efforts.

Belay’s ESG policy has been incorporated into every aspect of our investment process.

Belay Annual Volunteer Day